• Cooperating in a healthy manner with fellow colleagues and other stakeholders by constructive collaboration and effective communication.
• Constant efforts undertaken to achieve professional development by updating Knowledge in their subject.
• Abide by the Act, statute and ordinance of the University/Government and to respect its ideals, vision, mission, cultural practices and tradition.
• Fully cooperate in conduct of University and college academics as well as extracurricular activities including examinations, supervision, invigilation, evaluation and actively participating in organizing extension, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
• Take pride in teaching profession and to render full cooperation, respect and dignity to other members of the profession
• Abstain from making objectionable statements about colleagues, higher authorities especially in the presence of students, other teachers or parents.
• Be regular and punctual and meet classes regularly as per the scheduled time table.
• Take prior permission of the Principal before leaving the campus in the college hours.
• Render proctor duties regularly in order to maintain strict discipline in the campus.
• All communications related to professional works to be communicated through proper channel by giving all necessary information in the office and seeking to prior approval of the chair before proceeding such communication
• Facilitate students in developing career related skills, emotional and psychological Intelligence as well as laying strong foundation in character building.
• Inculcate in students a sense of responsibility, self reliance, and mutual respect, appreciation for personal and public property and stimulate the spirit of enquiry in students.
• Make responsible efforts to protect students from conditions harmful to their health and safety.
• Encourage the involvement of studies in social service activities and inspire them to respect cultural diversity of our nation.
• Discuss and debate on the controversial topics/issues from an objective view point in order to foster in environment for free expression of opinion and at the same time learning the spirit of enquiry and research.
• Not divulge in any confidential information relating to the affairs of the college to any person not authorized in respect thereof.
• Refrain from raising questions of caste, creed, religion, race, sex, region for language in his relationship with his colleagues and using the above consideration for improvement of his prospects.
• Refrain from exploiting official facilities and staff for personal, political or religious ends and misuse of privileges.
• Strictly abstain from giving any private coaching/classes directly or indirectly.
• Carry out the work related to assessment & evaluation with utmost impartiality.
• The teacher shall not enrol herself/himself for any course of study/appear in the examination of University or other bodies without the prior permission of the competent authority.
• Attend FDPs, Refresher/Orientation courses to enhance their knowledge relevant in their fields as per the requirement of career advancement with due permission and sanction of the competent authority.
• Set a wonderful example for the students by their behaviour, commitment for excellence in work and professional achievements.